Wednesday, 9 July 2014

3 Things You Should Check Before Hiring a Newborn Photographer

It is easier to hire a photographer in San Francisco, as the market is full of them. However, if you are planning to hire a newborn photographer in San Francisco to capture those magical moments of your little one, you may want to consider a few things before hiring one.


Has the photographer received any formal training in skillfully handling newborns and posing them properly? Newborn portraiture is a specialized field of photography that requires specific training related to newborns. By seeing one’s portfolio, it may not be always easy to tell if the photographer is an amateur or trained expert. However, an inexperienced photographer may end up manhandling your baby due to lack of knowledge.


Does he or she have any experience in newborn portraiture? Check their portfolio online to see what kinds of shots they have taken, or is the baby looking comfortable. Find out how long have they been working with newborns. Do they know what composites are? Responsible newborn photographers in San Francisco use this technique to get amazing photographs of those cute ones. However, there is much to the technique, which happens in the background than is actually visible in the image. If your photographer does not know what it is or how to arrive at those amazing shots, consider it a big NO.

Newborn Photographer San Francisco 
Technical Expertise

Check a photographer’s portfolio to find out about their technical proficiency. Almost all shots taken require a simple touch up to detailing for that exact effect you are looking for. While there are some who can turn an absolute good shot into an art, there are those also those who can over process a good shot.